When you buy a new car and you have the opportunity to purchase a car warranty or extended car warranty, you should definitely invest. Most extended warranties are a good deal because they give your investment a bit of protection. A car warranty will usually cover things like engine and transmission failure within a certain mileage, and those repairs can cost thousands of dollars. A warranty is a good thing, as long as you understand all of it, even the small print.
Often the small print of an extended warranty will leave you less than enthusiastic. While the bold print of the car warranty will claim outstanding coverage, when you read the small print you’ll find that the warranty is not all it originally claimed to be. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you shouldn’t invest in the car warranty; you should just understand all of the limitations of the extended warranty as well as the benefits.
When you have the opportunity to purchase a car warranty, don’t get too excited and don’t assume that it has too many limitations. Approach all car warranties with an open mind and read through them before you accept or decline the warranty. In the end, any car warranty is often better than no warranty; you just have to read the fine print, understand what is and is not covered, and go from there. Those that reject the whole idea of a car warranty often regret not purchasing it, because a little bit of coverage would have been better than none.
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