When you are looking at car insurance rates you might be confused as to why they are different depending on where you live and where you work. People believe that car insurance should always depend only on you and the type of car you drive. However, one factor that determines car insurance rates will always be location. Your rate is going to depend on where you live (meaning where you park your car at night) and also where you work (meaning where your car is during the day).
The reason that these two areas are important for determining your car insurance rates is simple. One of the biggest things that car insurance covers is car theft. This means that if your car gets stolen, your car insurance will cover it. Therefore, the place that your car is - and the likelihood that it will get stolen there - is always a big thing to consider.
If you live in a neighborhood with a high percentage of car thefts, you can expect your car insurance to be at a slightly higher rate than if you do not live in those areas. Even if you park your car in a garage or another safe place, the area where you live is still what will determine that part of your car insurance rates.
The area where you work is also important. Some people live in a very safe area, but work in a place where there are many car thefts each year. If you are driving your car to work on a daily basis, it means that your car is in an unsafe place during the day. This will also drive up the costs of your car insurance.
It is important that you have a good driving record and that you drive a car that insurance companies will like to insure. However, it is also important that you remember that one of the major factors in car insurance rates will always be the places that your car is parked, whether it is at your home or at your work.
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